
SHRM Certification Celebrates 5 Years!

A Preview of SHRM 2019 with SHRM Chief Knowledge Officer Alexander Alonso

As remote work rises at U.S. companies, Trump is calling federal employees back to the office

Here’s what the future of work will look like

A #SHRM17 Interview with Alexander Alonso, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP

Job losses impact minority and hourly workers most in pandemic

SIOP in Washington: Advocating for I-O in Federal Public Policy

In With the New, Out With the Old: Has the Technological Revolution Eliminated the Traditional Job Search Process?

The susceptibility of a mixed model measure of emotional intelligence to faking: A Solomon four-group design

Reducing medical error in the Military Health System: How can team training help?

Teamwork in multiteam systems

Group differences in emotional intelligence scores: theoretical and practical implications